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Some of my greatest memories are times I lived in Toccoa, Carnesville and a wee place named Red Hill. I grew up knowing all about Paul Anderson and now would like to share his life with fellow bookclub friends. I want to know if you have for sell any of his book "A Greater Strenth by Paul. Could you email me back. We would love to plan a trip to Toccoa for a visit in the fall. Please let me know where I might find some of his books.
Posted by ruby on July 28th, 2013
I train with weights, compete and follow the iron game for 3 decades. I first saw a pic of Paul Anderson in 1980 in ironman magazine. Intiutively I realised that my search for the strongest man of 20 th century had finally brougth the desired result. 29 years later and intense study have verified it as true time and again. He is the MAN of strengthdom.
Posted by Wolfgang Hasenmaier on February 27th, 2013 My husband has an Uncle and two Aunts living in Toccoa. His Uncle was born and grew up in Toccoa and his Aunts grew up in Carnesville and moved to Toccoa as young women. They are so proud of their native sons such as Mr. Paul Anderson. Their names are George and Blondine Sewell and Virginia Mathis. Blondine taught school in Toccoa for a number of years before she retired. I am always amazed at the students she taught in the first and second grade still approach her when we go out and they themselves have grandchildren . Goerge is now 93,Blondine is 89 and Virginia is 92. They are truly a symbol of what is right in Toccoa GA and proves that it is a great place to live and raise children. I am convinced these are the values that Mr. Anderson always wanted everyone to be aware of.
Posted by Sharron Botts on April 11th, 2012

Recent Comments
I love this park!!! I take my third grade students here every year!! I am so thankful for Paul Anderson's influence on our town, and I am also very appreciative for the committee that continues to make this park a tremendously inspiring and beautiful asset to our small community. We should be grateful to Cynthia Sanders and her Toccoa Elementary SEARCH students and our city commissioners who made this possible.
Posted by Sheila Kesler on August 19th, 2013
I would like to thank you for the efforts in setting up a a memorial for Paul. He has had an outstanding life that I had thought was ignored by the main stream. I was always excited to see him perform even on the Jim and Tammy Bakker show. Always remember that there are strong men today, but I still believe Paul was the strongest.
Posted by Matthew Johnston on August 19th, 2013
Paul Anderson The strongest man in the world has always been my hero in what I consider the only true sport Weightlifting. It is not a sport where a 7 foot tall player drops a ball in the hoop while a 5 foot contender watches in defeat. Pumping Iron tells who is truly the Champion.
Posted by Jarvis H. Renfrow, Sr. on August 19th, 2013
I met and introduced Paul Anderson at Southeastern College/University in Lakeland Florida when I was serving as Student Government President in 1978. Paul was a great man of amazing character and strength! I will remember meeting him and his demonstration of strength as long as I live!
Posted by Gary Conner on August 19th, 2013
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